As the centre of the respiratory system - a group of organs and tissues that help us breathe – they’re the two spongey organs you want to look after. The respiratory system absorbs oxygen from the air we breathe and distributes it around our body, as well as cleaning it for waste gases such as carbon dioxide. The lungs have the top job here, and while we have two, it’s imperative we look after them.
Lung function tests vary in size and scope, and they help respiratory physicians detect and monitor lung conditions. Spirometry is a quick and easy test to check lung function within the workplace; it measures the airflow in and out of the lungs and approximate lung volume. The test involves heavy exhalation into a spirometer through a mouthpiece until a consistent reading is observed. It’s a low risk and minimally invasive test, and we’re there every step of the way. A touch of downtime is recommended afterwards, but you’ll be free to kick on with your day.
After we perform the test, a General Practitioner will review the results and, if required, we can provide a referral to a specialist. We’re all about closing the loop.
In short, the spirometry test is a nifty, non-invasive test to give an indication on the health of our most breathtaking organs (yep, we said it).